Build on Windows
Using NuGet
1. Download and install OpenSSL for Windows.
The 64-bit package can be downloaded from here: Win64OpenSSL_Light-1_1_1c.exe.
(Note that the last letter or version number may be changed and older versions no longer available. If this isn't found, check here: )
It's expected to be installed in C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64
. Add this path to the user's or system's environment variable PATH
2. Install Pthreads for Windows
nuget install cinegy.pthreads-win64 -version -OutputDirectory C:\pthread-win32
3. Install cmake for Windows.
The CMake GUI will help you configure the project.
4. Generate Visual Studio Solution.
Assuming you are currently in the cloned repo.
mkdir _build & cd _build
cmake ../ -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DPTHREAD_INCLUDE_DIR="C:\pthread-win32\cinegy.pthreads-win64.\sources" -DPTHREAD_LIBRARY="C:\pthread-win32\cinegy.pthreads-win64.\runtimes\win-x64\native\release\pthread_lib.lib"
cmake --build ./ --config Release
CMake will try to find OpenSSL and pthreads. If any of the is not found, you can define the following variables to help CMake find them:
OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=<path to OpenSSL installation>
OPENSSL_LIBRARIES=<path to all the openssl libraries to link>
OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to the OpenSSL include dir>
PTHREAD_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to where pthread.h lies>
PTHREAD_LIBRARY=<path to pthread.lib>