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Build on Windows

Using NuGet

1. Download and install OpenSSL for Windows.

The 64-bit package can be downloaded from here: Win64OpenSSL_Light-1_1_1c.exe.

(Note that the last letter or version number may be changed and older versions no longer available. If this isn't found, check here: )

It's expected to be installed in C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64. Add this path to the user's or system's environment variable PATH.

2. Install Pthreads for Windows

nuget install cinegy.pthreads-win64 -version -OutputDirectory C:\pthread-win32

3. Install cmake for Windows.

CMake dowload page.

The CMake GUI will help you configure the project.

4. Generate Visual Studio Solution.

Assuming you are currently in the cloned repo.

mkdir _build & cd _build
cmake ../ -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DPTHREAD_INCLUDE_DIR="C:\pthread-win32\cinegy.pthreads-win64.\sources" -DPTHREAD_LIBRARY="C:\pthread-win32\cinegy.pthreads-win64.\runtimes\win-x64\native\release\pthread_lib.lib"
cmake --build ./ --config Release

CMake will try to find OpenSSL and pthreads. If any of the is not found, you can define the following variables to help CMake find them:

OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=<path to OpenSSL installation>
OPENSSL_LIBRARIES=<path to all the openssl libraries to link>
OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to the OpenSSL include dir>

PTHREAD_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to where pthread.h lies>
PTHREAD_LIBRARY=<path to pthread.lib>

Using vcpkg